DATTALION is home to the largest free, independent, open-source database of Ukraine war footage. In addition to compiling footage from across Ukrainian and russian-occupied territories, Dattalion hosts a database of verified eyewitness accounts of russian aggression, war crimes and acts of genocide in Ukraine.
DATTALION’s database of Ukraine war photos and videos is active since February 27 2022 and include war footage from February 24 – the first day of russia’s full-scale military invasion – onwards.

We are Ukrainians, trying to survive russia’s worst attacks. We are sharing real photos and videos from the frontlines, so that the world can bear witness to the truth. Journalists frequently cannot be in the most dangerous hotspots of the war in Ukraine – the risks of injury and death are too high – so we collate Ukraine war fotage, the stories and images of war for journalists to use and for all to see.
We are providing this data and video free of charge to all, and in particular so that reporters around the globe can see and share what russia is really doing to us. There are many mothers among us, witnessing many battles up close, and we are sick of seeing our children, families, and neighbors being murdered before our very eyes.
We want to counter the russian government’s misinformation about what we are living through in this war. People all around the world, need to see what is really happening on the ground in Ukraine. You need to see the atrocities being committed by the russian military here.
Our database of Ukraine war footage is updated daily by our dedicated team of volunteers.
Please access the DATTALION database of Ukraine war photos and videos to find the latest updates from the frontlines.
6 100+ videos
DATTALION so far has more than 6 100 videos and 40 000 photos. They show all regions of Ukraine. Our database of Ukraine war footage is updated daily by our dedicated team of volunteers.
Please access the DATTALION database of Ukraine war photos and videos to find the latest updates from the frontlines.
Our mission

Spread the truth about
the russian war against Ukraine!

You can help
We raise money to maintain and develop our database.
Please join us on Patreon or donate via PayPal.
Every contribution is important!