May 24, 2022
- The content of the database depicts the consequences of war, destruction of property, and injuries to civilians. That is the reason we need from you confirmation that you are 18 or older.
- The content of the database is collected only for intelligence and journalistic purposes. Commercial use of it with attribution of the database or the website is not allowed by Dattalion.
- All terms and reservations of access to the content are set in the Terms of Use. Please make sure that you’ve read and agreed with the Dattalion Terms before accessing the database.
- Dattalion no grants any permit neither will be liable for use of the content in any manner and on any terms not explicitly mentioned in the Terms. Dattalion does not release you from responsibility to get appropriate permit to use the content in any manner or form.
Terms of Use of the content and Dattalion reservations
The majority of the footage is prepared by witnesses or those directly affected by events, not by professional journalists, photographers, or videographers. Some images and videos may be of low or poor quality: this is often due to the means used for recording (usually a smartphone camera), connectivity issues, and operating conditions extremely dangerous for life and personal security.
Collection process is complicated by war conditions and consequential variety and questionable credibility of the sources of related information. Wherever possible, we verify and make clear the source through which we received the material or on which it was published. The database includes some material from private accounts on social networks, where videos and photos are often published without attribution, and from Telegram channels, where third-party videos are published without credentials or references.
Please note that the database contains two types of content.
For the first type of content we could not find and record a reliable source. Majority of the content dated up to 11 April 2022 is from this category. The content of the first type is included to the database purely for informational purposes. You have no rights or consents to reproduce, disseminate or communicate to the public content without attribution etc. You must comply with all requirements mentioned below if you wish to use such content.
The second type of content (majority of it dated after 11 April 2022) is attributed with one or more sources. Along the content file itself it contains a separate data file with source reference which we have managed to identify.
The reproduction and communication to the public of a videogram can be undertaken without the rightsholder’s permission under Article 21 and for education or scientific purposes under Article 42 of the Law of Ukraine “On Copyright and Related Rights.” Art. 21 of the Law allows to use with attribution of the author and source (1) quotes from the published works within the scope justified by purpose (work to which the quote to be included has to be of critical, controversial, scientific, or informational nature) or (2) short fragments from performances and works included to videogram.
If you wish to use such content as quote (based on Art. 10 of the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works) you must comply with strict rules: 1) attribute the author and source and 2) reproduce only a fragment scope of which is justified by the purpose of reproduction, and 3) use for critical, polemic, scientific or informational types of your works.
Image rights
We have not received any image right consents from any individual depicted in the content. Any person can request to cease use of their image without consent and you should not rely on or refer to Dattalion as an entity that obtains appropriate permit.
Take down notice
If you believe that your copyrighted audiovisual works, music, phonogram, or videogram, or broadcast has been copied in a way that constitutes copyright infringement and is accessible via the database, please notify Dattalion’s copyright agent, as set forth in the Law. For your complaint to be valid under the Law, you must provide the following information in writing:
- It must be signed by a certified Ukrainian attorney-at-law only, which you would appoint as your representative;
- Identification (type and title) of the copyrighted work that you claim has been infringed;
- Identification (by link) of the material that is claimed to be infringing and where it is located on the database;
- Information reasonably sufficient to permit Dattalion to identify and contact you, such as your address, telephone number, and, e-mail address;
- A statement that you have exclusive copyright and\or related rights, reference to nature of your exclusive rights and term of its validity.
- Request for discontinuance of access to your work, phonogram, or videogram.
- A statement that you have a good faith belief that the above information is accurate, and that you are the copyright owner or are authorized to act on behalf of the owner.
Send your take down notice to the email of Dattalion’s copyright agent: dmca@dattalion.com
For further details of the procedure please consult Ukrainian certified attorney-at-law.